2014 National Veteran Rally
2014 Motoring Festival in Kalgoorlie-Boulder Oct 16th to 24th
Lake Perkolilli 1914-2014 Centenary of Speed begins the Festival on
Thursday 16th October and runs for 4 days until Sunday 19th October
2014 National Veteran Vehicle Rally follows on, beginning with Registration on
Sunday 19th October and ends on Friday 24th
2014 National Veteran Vehicle Rally
National Veteran Rally Bulletin #1 “Register your interest”
National Veteran Rally Bulletin #2
National Veteran Rally Bulletin #3
National Veteran Rally Bulletin #4
National Veteran Rally Bulletin #5
National Veteran Rally Newsletter August 2014
National Veteran Rally Newsletter September 2014
Registration/Entry form and Costings List
Correspondence to Committee:
Chairman: Harry PYLE hdpyle@bigpond.net.au (08) 9330 2370
Secretary: John WOOD wood1941@bigpond.com (08) 9402 4165
Postal Address: 7 Eleanor Court CRAIGIE WA 6025
Lake Perkolilli 1914-2014 Centenary of Speed
In addition to the 2014 National Veteran Rally, you can witness the 1914-2014 Centenary of Speed Celebrations at the old Lake Perkolilli motor racing track, events will be held at the old Lake Perkolilli motor circuit near Kalgoorlie from 16th to 19th October 2014.
Lake Perkolilli Centenary of Speed Newsletter #1
Lake Perkolilli Centenary of Speed Newsletter #2
Lake Perkolilli Centenary of Speed Newsletter #3
Correspondence to Organiser: Graeme Cocks gacocks@iinet.net.au 0438 980 859
This will be a very special rally experience